
寻君万里魂魄稀 风卷枯叶急
茫茫人间云归去 深山他年绿
一生一梦里 一琴一手曲
一日换一季 一世等一聚
想来风轻云起迟 笔落西山词
银发疏疏此一时 宫阙寒雨彼一时
锦缎波斯毯 红木薄日暖
抬手牵流岚 举步过忘川
倚门数千遍 邻家起炊烟
春近冰雪残 夏灯照夜船

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

SO Mean

So my every school life is repeated as much as it could, it makes me feel sick.
I had no idea about my friends. I thought they were TRUE friends, but actually not. I thought there is no betray but there was. I thought both of us know what we are thinking but we dont actually.

I know that true friends they are the only true friends. After few years, they are still beside me. And the most important key to let made this success, I guest it is the my another way of communicate.
So now, I know that I'm totally suck in communicate. Who knows? That I dont even know how express myself in front of them. I couldn't speak honestly based on what my heart tell, but I could write.It meant sometimes, I hate to explain rather than writing a letter.

I always be honest and sincere in letter.

The way I spoke to my friends it might sounds sarcastically , sometimes. Then I figured, I only did that to my sincere friends. I cared about them, and I told them what my heart told, even though it might be mean. So mean am I.

Horoscope told me that I will be alone ....um the situation like no matter what.
Never mind, I will be ok.


I wish i could curse (......) you like I always do, but I cant because we were friends once.
Wish you and I have a good life.

Sunday, July 7, 2013








