
寻君万里魂魄稀 风卷枯叶急
茫茫人间云归去 深山他年绿
一生一梦里 一琴一手曲
一日换一季 一世等一聚
想来风轻云起迟 笔落西山词
银发疏疏此一时 宫阙寒雨彼一时
锦缎波斯毯 红木薄日暖
抬手牵流岚 举步过忘川
倚门数千遍 邻家起炊烟
春近冰雪残 夏灯照夜船

Saturday, April 13, 2013

One step at a time

Dumb life. I guess I never know when I will be cured. I think I'm totally sick. Mentality is worse than I thought. One more step to psycho. DUH.

I had inherited my parents bad genetic.That's why my bro said, genetic is important to build a brighter future for the next generations.( LOL ) It's sound ridiculous when I heard. But now, I felt so.

Nightmare didn't emerge anymore in my mind, but it's does follows me everywhere. Like a chewing gum, stay still, keep following, sticky.

I think I'm weak, like Dominik ( main character of "Suicide Room"), timid,sensitive and too care about what people said. Yea, he is naive, can't ever accept gossip. Poor boy, you're such a pretty boy(....) and talented.

Suicide is not a good way to solve problems, it never be. But many thought it was and they did it. I just never think that our life will be so dramatic. Why you do so? It is dramatic for us. You should know how realistic of this world.

People told me not to be a realistic person and I never want to do so even though sometime I might be. But start from now, I can't decline my personality which is really realistic. Maybe I just have to be myself.

April is busy. Rehearsal for malam budaya, kawad practice, oral. Well, the last one is for me, others are for the active ones. Form four is a honeymoon year, who told that?! We have a lot of homework. Liars are stupid and timid to face the truth.

Maybe is hard for me to think about my future. I thought I want to be a nutritionist or archeologist or forensic(....), last two carrier pop out in my mind because too much of watching and reading drama and novels. HEHE. Maybe I could change my mind after a week.= =

Exam is around the corner, I have to plan my timetable for revision. It's quite difficult for me who like to procrastinate something . Aquarius don't like to follow the rules, and also prefer to delay. I know what's my weakness.

My oral test were quite fun, I meant this kind of assignment were quite fun. The disappointment was I had fail to act good. Bad script . I think I can act but I didn't prepare my script well. Try harder next time.There were few performance were totally good and touched.(....) Yeah, they all awesome.

"when i was a kid"
I saw this book at MPH bookstore. It was funny, make me never stop laughing. I wish I could buy, but it's too expensive than those chinese novel I brought in book fair. Oh, I'm proud of him, Boey is a Malaysian, an animator, good in english and also a humor person. :3


Don't ask me about school, I had many things to say but I can't. Bury all in my 16. Nevermind, I'll be fine.

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